Electronic Drum Set vs Acoustic (Guide Updated Mar 2025)

An electric drum set is one of the best ways to practice for a drummer. This means that it’s possible for anyone with access to an electric drum set in their area to be able to take lessons much more accessible than they would if they had an acoustic drum kit. This is true because, when practicing on an electronic drum set, there are much fewer sounds being made overall. This makes it so that the drums can be played at any time of day, regardless of how loud or quiet your home may be. 

Electronic Drum Set vs. Acoustic: What Are The Basic Differences?

It’s all about the sound. The drum set sounds lighter and more subdued, while acoustic drum sets resemble a live band more closely.

Many folks can’t afford an acoustic and opt for a cheaper electronic, and since the expense is the only difference (unless you’re using one as your only drum), it may not be worth shelling out $500 or so if there are other options on hand. Electronic drums sound superb, though, which is essential if you’re playing within an ensemble where everyone is plugged in.

If melding acoustic drums with electric synth paths personally appeals to you, then that could be an attractive benefit on top of everything else, too – namely that they’ll usually respond faster than their acoustic counterparts.

How Do Electric Drums Work?

The sound that electric drums produce is slightly different for each drum, but the principle is the same across the board. Electrical current goes through a wire to an electrode inside a rubber membrane, which absorbs enough electricity so that its molecules gain an electrical charge. This makes it more resistant to longitudinal compression and therefore prohibits air from passing through with vibrations.

The membrane is threaded onto a rod to adjust its length and tension. The opposite side of the membrane has contact pads on it- when these are attached to wires by someone’s hand or foot, then when they vibrate from playing drums on them, they generate electrical impulses in those wires that need no battery power because of this increased resistance change in their touch contacts.

How Do Acoustic Drums Work?

Here are the basics- acoustic drums produce sound using a group of excited air molecules that are hit by the drum head. The vibrations from the drum are conducted through the sticks to reproduce sound via all of these exciting air molecules.

Producing accurate sounds requires attention to three things: strike velocity (how quickly it’s hitting), strike surface (wood tips like muffin tins make different sounds than felt-covered wire surfaces), and strike location (near or on edge). A strike isn’t about how many times you hit; it’s more about how you play.

Should You Use Electronic or Acoustic Drums For Beginners?

Drumming is an activity that can be done without the use of electronic or acoustic drums. The person who asked this question was specifically looking for guidance in buying gear so let’s work with that!

A drum kit consists of a range of different percussion instruments, including cymbals, chimes, gongs, vibes, and cowbells, along with the bass drum. Other sizes are available to suit all needs and budgets. There are four primary types: acoustic drums (you’ll need earplugs), bass drums, electronic drums, and congas.

Should You Use Electronic or Acoustic Drums For Professionals?

Acoustic. It produces a more natural sound while electronic drums filter the sound to make it less sharp.

An acoustic drum provides for a more realistic-sounding rhythm. It offers the advantage of recording subtle nuances in even the lightest taps on its surface, which are not available on an electronic counterpart. Moreover, acoustic drums do not need any earphones or headphones because there is no need for an amplifying system that will betray the player’s position and spoil recording quality by adding noise from artificial sources. An acoustic drum can also be played with one hand while another strikes it with a second finger-tipped percussion instrument, castanets, or finger cymbals.

Can You Customize Acoustic Drums?

Yes, and sometimes it’s a wise option if you like to customize things. The engineering possibilities can be pretty abundant and nuanced. You might want the drums to sound more live or less life; lower noise levels; higher dynamics; different tones; tuned differently for different song styles; louder, softer, or deeper drum sounds. The list goes on and on.

You could also talk about different types of configurations such as floor-to-hands (the difference between conventional Western setups), bass drums mounted inside a drum shell without any resonant head, using the kick pedal as a hi-hat controller so that strikes produce a “click” sound rather than a “pop,” combining two snares with one long-throw drum rod.

Can You Customize Electronic Drums?

I hardly call something like this “customizable.” That said, many electronic drums come with kits that allow the user to customize the way it sounds. You can already do this with pre-existing samples of recordings; electronic drums try to offer more freedom and better feeling than a simple acoustic drum kit does. But I wouldn’t say they’re customizable in any sense of the word: there are only so many different ways you can make an electronic drum sound like an acoustic one—especially when we’re talking about what is essential “noise” or “beating air.”

Playing Experience of Acoustic Drums

Playing an acoustic drum is playing a real instrument.

To play the drums, sticks would never be used (relatively hands and arms), and there is no need for amplification due to their sound level. The action of slamming on the skins, the physical connections with the drums/cymbals, and even how much force is needed to create a given sound make for an immersive experience, unlike any other musical instrument I’ve ever come across. This type of engagement with your music can lead to hours of continuous practice without noticing or feeling tired.

Playing Experience With Electronic Drums

Those who don’t prioritize the “indoor, parental approved” setting find drumming an often inaccessible instrument. Electronic drums certainly offer a welcome alternative for those practicing musicians with studios and band rehearsal rooms littered with monstrous electrical equipment.

The drumming experience varies from cheap to expensive. Something like the Alesis DM10 offers all sorts of fun little triggers at a very affordable price. Roland will show you their top-of-the-line kit that retails at nearly $5000, whereas Vater offers four pads that combine into a complete kit for only $250. Something else worth noting is that high-end kits can be significantly more responsive than cheaper ones.

In the end, it might be a good idea to get an acoustic drum kit if you can afford one. If not, you should go for an electric set because they are more affordable and offer better sound quality than acoustic drums. The decision is up to you! Comment below with your thoughts on this topic- we want to hear from our fans!

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